Thursday, May 30, 2013

Doll Craft 12: Make Your Doll a Lamp!

  Does your doll love to read at night? Or maybe she just has so many ideas in the middle of the night, so she needs to write them in a notebook! Well, she can't do that without a lamp, can she? Today, she will get a lamp, because we are giving you a tutorial to make one for her! Here we go!
Things Needed:
Colorful Paper, or Tissue Paper
Glue Stick or Adhesive Roller
Plastic Cup
Cardboard roll from a roll of paper towels (or toilet paper)
Crafting Level: Medium
Step 1: Get your cardboard roll (I used a paper towel roll).
Get your scissors. Make sure to use pointy tip ones (have adult supervision if you usually use kid scissors like me).
Cut your roll at about over halfway down. It may be complicated if you don't have point tip scissors.
Then, get your colorful paper. If you don't have any tissue paper, or colorful paper in your house, then you can just get a blank sheet of paper and color it!
Now, get your glue stick, or adhesive roller. I used an adhesive roller, but both work great!
Glue down the paper to the cup. Cut off any extra unnecessary pieces of paper. Do the same thing to the cardboard roll.
Here is the finish product! Now your dolls can read at night, with their very own lamp!!!

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