Thursday, May 30, 2013

Doll Craft 13: Make Your Doll an Ipad!

  Does your doll want to stay on top of technology? Has she ALWAYS wanted to play on an Ipad with apps and everything? Well, if she has, then here is her chance! You can make her an Ipad! Here we go!
Things Needed:
Glue Stick
Tag Board or something sort of thin, but firm
Clear Packing Tape (optional)
Level of Crafting: Medium (may need adult help)
Step 2: Cut it out carefully! (You can use non-sharp or sharp scissors, but I used non-sharp)
Step 3: Cut the black in the middle of the back and front of template.
Step 4: Get a thin but firm piece of paper (like cardstock)
Step 5: Cut out a piece of the paper for each Ipad. Make sure it matches up to the shape of the template.
Step 6: Glue all of them together, and you should get this! But wait! You aren't finished yet!
Step 7: Cut off any loose edges to make it look like one whole piece.
Step 8: Put clear masking tape on the Ipad (this may be difficult, so adult help may be needed, I had my mom help me).
Jasmine sure is enjoying it! Don't get addicted Jasmine! :)


  1. I just made my doll an ipad! i love how it turned out! she is on her bed "Playing" on it right now! it turned out so cute! i love having an ipad for my doll!

    love hannah

    1. ohhh! Send us a pic, and we will post it on Show Us Saturday :)

  2. This is SUCH A COOL IDEA! :D Wow. Thanks for sharing!
    Oh and by the way, there's a giveaway at my blog:
