So, earlier in the blog, we had a lemonade post. Well, today we are going to do a milkshake post. That way, the dolls can have a variety of chilly beverages to choose from! Here we go!
Things Needed:
Cotton Balls
Colored Markers
Medicine Cup (Found in your local Pharmacy, or maybe your medicine cabinet!)
Crafting Level: Easy
Step 1: start out with your cup. I used a Medicine Cup (from my mom's old office). You could use a Spray Bottle Top too, but it may be smaller.
Step 2: Get all your cotton balls out of the bag and ready to go! I used three cotton balls, depending on the size of cup and size of the balls, you could use more or less.
Step 3: Choose your flavor! I chose to do a Cookie Dough Chocolate Chip milkshake! The best part about this is that it can be any wild flavor you want, it could be totally made up!
Here are the two balls I decorated. They sort of look like snowballs that you try to make with the last of the snow outside that has dirt and all that stuff on it.:)
Step 4: Squish your balls down into the cup. It is looking so delicious already!!!
Step 5: Grab a bit of cotton off another cotton ball and make it look like this.
Step 6: Put it in the cup, but make it all puffy and fluffy like real whipped cream. (If your doll doesn't like whipped cream, then this part is optional.)
Step 7: Decorate a small square like this, (sizes will vary depending on cup)
Step 8: Next, roll the paper up like this! You may have to glue it so that it stays in this shape.
Step 9: Stick it into the cup. Make sure it goes down in the middle of the cup so it stays in securely. (If your doll doesn't like sprinkles, cherries, or other milkshake toppings, then this will be your final product!)
Step 10: With a marker, add little dots to the whipped cream to look like this. (You could use beads if you want, but they wouldn't stay for me:))
Step 11: I crumpled up a colored-in-pink piece of paper to be a cherry! (I know it sort of looks strange, but it looks great once it gets on the shake!)
Here is your final product! Hope the dolls enjoy it!
Here Molly is with her Ipad and shake. She is sick on the very first day of summer break! Oh no, that isn't fun! (There will be a Molly's Sick post on my blog soon)